It’s always nice to pick up new clients, especially when they are of the size and reputation of a University. We were asked to step in and help out with the design and artwork on a newsletter project. It was being distributed at an event, launched on a Tuesday afternoon, by Christopher Eccleston. On Thursday, Salford University approached us with the design brief and a print deadline of Tuesday morning. Once we had all the materials for this project and were provided with clear guidelines to adhere to, our team was thrilled that we could submit a finished version by Friday morning. This gave them enough time to review any edits or add content if necessary. Salford University and their team then had chance to feedback and finish any content needed.
We do pride ourselves on being able to come up with new designs whilst working within a corporate style accurately and without cutting corners. With all jobs, we always read the content and design the layout of the pages. The flow of the brochure or newsletter has a good pace to encourage the reader. This is basically the essence of good design – from page layouts to website design. We always work in partnership with clients so it is important to us that they buy into the concept of the design as soon as possible.
It was all hands to the pump to turn the newsletter design project around in time and ensure it was print ready artwork by Tuesday at 10.00am. The finished design ended up at 16 pages and looked great. The client was especially happy to have made the deadline. That’s what we’re here for!