Manchester City FC

Illustrations and story telling for MCFC

The challenge

Manchester City and their Official Water Technology Partner, Xylem, approached Think to help create a water guide for their fanbase. Used in conjunction with their “The End Of Football” campaign, the Water Hero Playbook highlights small changes fans can make to their everyday life that will have a big impact on reducing their water footprint. This was part of a wider sustainability programme aimed at increasing awareness of the issues facing the world about water supply.

Think were commissioned to produce 11 concept based illustrations to visualise the key messages and then produce a digital playbook, available for download.

The approach

The campaign is set in 2045 in a drought-ridden world and the guide needed to bring to life 11 water wastage facts through Manchester City inspired illustrations.

Think worked collaboratively with the team at City Football Marketing to agree to the scenario and produce the concepts for each of the facts. These started with pencil sketches and worked up to finished illustrations.

As part of the brief, the design was to follow a similar look and feel to illustrations they had produced recently on social and across the website. The level of detail required to effectively communicate each fact, with a dystopian twist to reflect the campaign, meant the style had to evolve. However, the design still follows MCFC guidelines.

The guide is designed to work on a smartphone but also be printed and can be found at the Manchester City FC website.

Click to view the campaign video.

The results


Visits to the landing page


Digital downloads


Illustrations produced

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